Comparativa de los 3 mejor valorados
ServíciosCosy Bungalow in Ringwood Town Centre with lots of Parking and Large Enclosed GardenCourtyard Cottages LymingtonPinewood Cottage Deluxe Self Catering Apartments
Hotel Cosy Bungalow in Ringwood Town Centre with lots of Parking and Large Enclosed Garden
Hotel Courtyard Cottages Lymington
Hotel Pinewood Cottage Deluxe Self Catering Apartments
Estrellas4 4 3
Nº de opiniones20 20 20
Personal Personal9.89.39.6
Confort Confort9.89.59.3
Wifi Wifi8.88.98.9
Instalaciones Instalaciones9.39.49.1
Calidad Calidad9.28.79.1
Limpieza Limpieza9.79.69.3
Ubicación Ubicación9.79.79.7
Todos los hoteles de Hampshire